Ethical Frames LLC Tools to bring us together Menu


Training Program

Do you want to do research to act as an early warning system for controversy? Learning about Ethical Frames can help you develop useful questions and analyze the results.

You will learn the six Ethical Zones that we all have, and how interpretations of them differ by group. At the end of this four session experiential workshop you will be able to identify your own profile, see how others are using them, and learn how to analyze using the Ethical Frames methodology.  You will be moving into the Ethical Zone of Understanding.

Ethical Frames To Do List (PDF)
Ready to be trained?
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RE(Frame) Workshops

Are you caught in a storm of controversy, or afraid you might be? Karen will design a custom training workshop for your group designed to diagnose the cause of the storm, develop potential strategic RE(Frames) and test them to see if they are effective. Multi day sessions include training on Ethical Frames, brainstorming sessions and market research. Customized to address your business problems.

Download a Sample Workshop Agenda (PDF)
Ready to book a RE(Frame) Workshop?
Contact Karen Here
Have a question?
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Consulting Services

Don’t have time to be trained and learn how to RE(Frame)? Karen offers turnkey consulting services, to help you diagnose the problem, develop potential solutions, and test them.

Or do you want help in learning how to research Ethical Frames so you can do it yourself? Karen will help you set up a program to listen and analyze your research in a new way, that will serve as an ethical violations early warning system.

Book a free consultation
Schedule a call
Karen Tibbals @KarenTibbals

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