How can I use these concepts in my life?
Our country is divided. If you’re wondering what you can do to help heal this country and heal your own relationships, Ethical Zones can provide the answer. Once you understand the Ethical Zones and can apply the techniques in the book, “Persuade Don’t Preach,” you can start to heal your relationships.
The tools work, but applying them is tough. To help make it easier, Karen’s newsletter gives real-world examples of how to apply these ideas. It integrates the views of multiple experts, such as psychologists, historians, hostage negotiators, cult deprogramming experts, anthropologists, and many others to give you tips that you can apply in your real life.
Here are some suggestions:
Start a bookclub to read the book, Persuade, Don't Preach, with the discussion guide provided by Karen. Email her here to get a free discussion guide.
Subscribe to the free newsletter to read examples of how applying these principles can help you heal fractured relationships and heal our country, one relationship at a time.
Also, join Karen’s Facebook group, Persuade, Don’t Preach, to connect with and support others who are working to apply these principles in their own lives.